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Gifted and Talented Program

Posted Date: 01/14/2020

Goal Area:  Culture and Community

Objective 3:  Develop Quality Programs

Initiative 1:  Enrichment Program

  1. Examine the makeup of the district gifted and talented (GT) committee to ensure every site has representation and all stakeholder groups are represented (administrators, teachers, parents, students)
  • Administrators worked together to ensure representation from each building on the District Gifted and Talented Committee.  The link below will take you to the 19-20 Alva Public Schools District and Talented Plan with a list of committee members.
  • 19-20 Gifted and Talented Plan


Summer/Fall action steps to be completed

  1. Research effective ways to meet the needs of gifted students through studying successful evidence-based gifted programs and examining programs in other districts.


Winter/Spring action steps to be completed

  1. Develop identification criteria for Tier 1 students (select a norm-referenced test and determine grade-level testing).
  1. Develop identification criteria for Tier 2 students (multiple criteria).